Cllr John Gray
Cllr John Gray

John Gray John has lived in Newham for 30 years and has been a Councillor for West Ham ward for the last 10 years. He is Lyn Brown MP Parliamentary Agent. He has supported local residents and tenants in successfully opposing rent rises and unfair planning applications.

John works in social housing, he is an active campaigning member of his trade union UNISON


Cllr Charlene McLean
Cllr Charlene McLean

Charlene McLean A lifelong Newham resident, Charlene has seen first-hand how the area has changed over the years and feels it is important all residents are taken on the journey and that no one is left behind.

Charlene understands the issues that local people face and wants to use her experience to make life better for all residents in West Ham and Newham as a whole.

Cllr John Whitworth
Cllr John Whitworth

John Whitworth John is standing for the election because he wants to help increase access to social housing, obtain more provision for young people, and improve the condition, cleanliness and safety of the ward’s streets.

John also wants to help defend and improve frontline services, while involving residents more in the planning, development and maintenance of the ward’s housing and environment.

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